1006-Oasis-Don’t Look Back in Anger.
1996-Number 1 single.
Best Bit-At 3.40.It would be a good idea for the Gallagher brothers to settle their differences, by taking heed of this songs title.
‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ was the tenth single release, and second UK Number 1 for Oasis, it was also the first single that Noel sang lead vocals,he is also responsible for writing, and producing the song.It appears that Liam’s contribution was shaking the tambourine.
Noel Gallagher (see also best songs 758 and 15) readily admits to being heavily influenced by the Beatles, and John Lennon in particular.The songs piano intro borrows heavily from Lennon’s 1971 song ‘Imagine,’while the line ‘So I start a revolution from my bed,’ is a reference to Lennon’s and Yoko Ono’s ‘Bed In,’ staged for publicity for peace in 1968.The lyrics ‘The brains I had went to my head,’ are taken from Lennon’s tape recorded notes, for a memoir he was planning to write before his death.
The song does include some original Gallagher thoughts,the line ‘Stand up beside the fireplace,take that look from off your face,’refers to when he was a child, his mother Peggy used to make him stand next to the fireplace, and have photos taken.He always looked grumpy in those photos, so she told him to take that look off his face.
‘Please don’t put your life in the hands of a Rock ‘N’ Roll band, who’ll throw it all away.’