Barry Philips Discos
Published by Barry Philips · 7 mins ·
1-Isaac Hayes-By the Time I Get to Phoenix.
1969-Has never charted in the UK.
Best Bit-At-15.28.
2nd Best Bit-At 8.39.
3rd Best Bit-At 0.22.I will always remember when I first heard this song, it was back in the very early 1980’s. I was on a short drive maybe only ten minutes and I was flicking through the radio stations, and this song was playing on Radio 1.Almost instantly I was memorised, this voice was talking with such emotion that I had never heard before in a song. My journey came to it’s end but I could not leave the car until the song finished. I just sat and listened as on eight and a half minutes the person talking suddenly started singing, taking the song to an even greater level. For the next eleven minutes the music and vocals built to a emotional crescendo that I have never heard before or since. I knew at that moment I had just heard ‘THE BEST SONG IN THE WORLD EVER,’
Please go somewhere you wont be interrupted and take a listen, it’s worth it.
‘By the Time I Get to Phoenix’ was written in 1965 by Jimmy Webb (see also best songs 846 and 119,) the first of countless versions of the song was recorded by American Rock ‘N’ Roll singer Johnny Rivers.The song first came to the attention of the general public when Country singer Glen Campbell made it a hit in 1967.In a survey by the ‘BMI’ it was found to be the third most recorded song between the years of 1940-1990. Frank Sinatra called it ‘the greatest torch song ever written,’ but I don’t know if he ever even heard Isaac Hayes’ version.
Even without this song or it’s parent Album ‘Hot Buttered Soul,’ Isaac Hayes’ (see also best songs 530 and 398) place as a Pop Music legend was already assured.He was one of the main driving forces behind the ‘Stax Records’ label in the 1960’s, working as a producer and prolific songwriter for artist such as Sam and Dave and Johnny Taylor. In fact it was Hayes who coined the phrase ‘Soul Music’ (see best songs 530.)
In the original lyrics written by Jimmy Webb the narrator thinks of what his girl will be doing by the time he reaches Phoenix, and Albuquerque,and by the time he finally makes Oklahoma she will finally realise for the very first time, that this time he is not coming back. In the opening eight and a half minutes of Hayes’ version he adds his own background story.
‘He could hardly see the road for tears in his eyes, that’s right he was crying, they were meeting on his chin.’
For a list of all the best 1000 songs click on the blog at www.barryphilipsdiscos.
Please join me at tomorrow for some more musical gems.YOUTUBE.COMIsaac Hayes – By The Time I Get To Phoenix (Full Length 19:00 /HQ Audio)All 19:00 of The Black Moses’ grooved-out cover of the Jimmy Webb classic. From the quietly chilling 9-minute long backstory all the way…